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  • 暑期科学研究计划
  • 暑期科学研究计划


    The 云顶集团 暑期科学研究计划 offers undergraduate students the opportunity 在研究项目上与教师密切合作. 这个程序是设计好的 for students who have taken relevant course(s) that pertain to faculty research, and wish to learn more about the graduate or professional school experience and pursue 从事科学研究的人.

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    Summer research opportunities are available in a variety of topics in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, engineering science and environmental science), data 还有计算机科学、神经生物学和心理学. 每个学生都将与 a faculty mentor with special expertise in which the student is interested. 学生 will either assist the faculty member in an ongoing research project or work collaboratively with the mentor in designing a new project of mutual interest.


    For further details about specific research opportunities, please refer to the research interests of individual faculty members by reading about them on the departmental 网站和/或直接联系教授.

    Acceptance into a summer research position will depend on the student's qualifications (GPA, course background and other familiarity with the research area), availability (dates compatible with faculty member's summer schedule), and funding. 这是一种特权 of individual faculty members to set their own criteria appropriate to their research 地区(e.g., some faculty may require more background coursework than others, or may prefer or require a commitment to continued research during the academic year or ensuing 学期). 

    The research experience is supplemented by student-faculty research talks and a formal 会议演讲. Typically, one student research presentation is in mid-June and will serve to informally introduce students' research projects to fellow students 教职员工吃披萨. 学生们就他们的研究做第二次报告, in either oral or poster form, at the end of the program in late July, when their 工作快结束了,. 这个活动帮助学生们为即将到来的新年做好准备 formal presentation, and is often attended by visitors such as 云顶集团’s Provost, 校长或校友/i.

    Near the end of the research term, all students will have the valuable experience of presenting their work formally, at the annual 具有里程碑意义的会议 Summer Research Symposium, to an audience of science students and faculty from other colleges in the 具有里程碑意义的会议. The Symposium rotates among colleges in Maryland and Pennsylvania, 包括云顶集团. Attending the Symposium as a group is an exciting opportunity for our summer students and is generally a peak experience for participants.

    Some student-faculty teams have also presented their work during the summer or later in the year at large professional conferences, such as the National Conference of Undergraduate Research, meetings of the American Physical Society, the American Society for Microbiology, and the Mathematical Association of America’s National Summer Conference.

    津贴、旅游、 & 住房

    Funding from government and private research foundations as well as generous donations 从云顶集团校友/我支持学生在会议期间. 参与的学生 will receive a stipend of approximately $500/week to cover living costs, and the program 还支持一些与研究相关的费用. 期间提供校内住宿 the session; housing fees will be announced each Spring.


    The 云顶集团 Summer Science Research entails 6-8 weeks of full-time research. 虽然 dates are flexible in consultation with the faculty member, the program typically 从六月初持续到七月底. 鼓励学生参加 整整几周的课程.


    检查 暑期研究机会清单 以获得更全面的概述.



    Early in the Spring semester, science students will receive a call for applications that will list the faculty members participating in research during the upcoming summer, along with a short description of their research interests and projects. 你也可以 learn about the research interests of individual faculty members through their departmental 网站. 学生 apply directly to individual professors once the call for applications 已发出. Acceptance into the program is at the discretion of the faculty member, and can depend on the student’s qualifications (GPA, course background and other familiarity with the research area), student availability during the summer, and program funding.

    我没有任何研究经验. 我有资格吗??

    是的! Although rising juniors and seniors are given preference, students may start 早在大一之后的夏天就开始做研究. 有竞争力的候选人 平均绩点不低于3分.在云顶集团大学的科学课程中,我的分数为0. 同样,证据 当然,与研究课题相关的作业很重要.

    我五月就要从云顶集团大学毕业了. 我有资格吗??

    In order to be eligible, students must still be undergraduates during the summer in 他们参加了哪些项目. 因此,如果你将获得本科学位 degree by the summer, you would ordinarily not be eligible for 云顶集团 Summer Science 程序. A number of other programs are listed in the 其他研究机会.


    The 云顶集团 Summer Science 程序 is a full-time program, and students function more 像研究科学家,而不是小时工. 为了让学生 accomplish his or her goals, therefore, some might spend more time doing research 有时. 咨询你的导师.


    Student stipends are paid by check, typically in two lump sums. 付款日期将 被提前通知. You will need to submit a W-9 form to the program coordinator 会议开始前.